幸运澳洲10官网开奖直播结果号码 168澳洲幸运5开奖历史查看结果记录 our 60th anniversary

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SME Trade Academy

ITC’s e-learning platform offers 100+ free online courses in different languages, available to all.

Trade Map

ITC’s 2024网址精准计划开奖结果澳洲幸运5 2024欧洲幸运5开奖官方开奖结果数据 on international trade statistics, providing an array of useful indicators on export...

Facts and 号码查询体彩幸运五 澳洲幸运十开奖号码历史查询

The percentage increase in world exports of rechargeable batteries (Q4 2019 to Q1 2023)
The percentage increase of vehicles exports in June 2023 compared to June 2022
small businesses improved competitiveness with ITC's support in 2022

10,000 led by women

2.5 million
users in 2022 visited ITC’s Trade Map

This provides trade statistics on more than 200 countries and territories

3 million
women connected to international markets through ITC’s SheTrades initiative
young entrepreneurs are now members of ITC’s Young Entrepreneurs (Ye!) Community Chapters.

The community counts 18 chapters in 170 countries.

online learners have trained at ITC’s SME Trade Academy in 2022, gaining critical technical and vocational skills